Proof of God’s Existence in the World around us – 3 – You and Deep Blue
- Proof of God’s Existence in the Creation Around Us – 1 – Evidence of Design – Mandlebrot Set
- Proof of God’s Existence in the Creation Around Us – 2 – Evidence of Design – Design Triangulation
- Proof of God’s Existence in the World around us – 3 – You and Deep Blue
Who has the World’s Largest, Most Efficient, Computer Code
You or Deep Blue?
Between You and Deep Blue[1], you may be wondering who has the best computer code. The answer, even if you rarely use or like computers, is YOU!
Now you may be wondering what is/was “Deep Blue”. “Deep Blue” was an IBM supercomputer programmed to play chess which became the first computer to beat a human world chess champion on May 11, 1997, after 6 games, winning 2 – 1 with 3 draws.
So why do we say YOU? Because the computer could only play chess. Now you may not play chess well, but you can do so many things, all of which that computer could not do!
But there is so much more behind the answer than that you may be able to cook whereas Deep Blue cannot.
The simplest cell in the simplest creature or plant is more complex than the most complicated machine ever produced by mankind.
This simplest cell contains within it a programming language that is the world’s largest, most efficient, most bug-free, Actual (instead of Artificial) Intelligence computer program ever designed. It is contained in you as well. What is that?
DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.
Simply put, DNA is the most compact information carrier in the universe. Furthermore, useful biological proteins do not exist outside of a living cell. Every experiment ever done confirms this fact of science – chemicals never come alive by themselves. Indeed, the more we learn about how a living cell operates, the less excuse we have for rejecting our Creator.
A living cell has thousands of parts, which combine to ensure it lives, none of which occur naturally outside living cells.
A recently discovered Bacteria from the fossil record (in Cambrian Sedimentary Rock) propelled itself with 7 motor drive like structures with a total of 21 gear like structures driven in sequence, in addition to which the cilia’s[2] all had to spin in the same direction for the bacteria to move.
A simplified view of a simple bacteria with one flagellum or cilium can be seen here:
The width of one single grain of sand could hold 10,000 of these miniature motors by side by side.
The Amazing Design of DNA
DNA is a Sequence code of information to produce anything needed by that particular organism.
Amino acids act in a similar way to blocks of Lego can be arranged to make a Lego model in many, different ways, except the amino acids form proteins. Furthermore, many Lego models have unique parts that are made especially for that model and no other model.
A Chromosome is like the autobiography section of a library.
A Gene is like a chapter in a book that is not in any other book, i.e. it is unique.
- The “code” is also only made up of effectively 4 letters, not 26 as in the English Alphabet.
- These four “letters” are A, C, G, T, which are the first letters of the chemicals that make the links of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine known as nucleotides.
- T can only link with A, and G can only link with C. [4]
Reverse Reading
In many languages, there are some words that can be read backward, and which would give a totally different meaning to the word read normally.
The word “level” is called a palindrome, because read backward or forwards it reads “level”.
But “Star” read backward becomes “Rats”, a completely different meaning. Likewise, “Deliver” becomes “Reviled”, the same letters but in reverse order, giving a totally different meaning.
In DNA, the same letters read backward have a different purpose or function. In the case of simple bacteria, often to make the proteins for the “motor”.
This means the same DNA sequence can be used to make different parts of the organism. A highly efficient way of coding.
The code of the DNA can be read forwards and backward to produce these little proteins like the motors in the bacteria. (Yes, the motors are not metal, but amino acids combined into a protein). DNA reading forwards can be how to build it and reading backward can be how to use it. Imagine trying to write one document which explained how to build an iPhone and when read in reverse, gave you instructions on how to use the iPhone!
Overlapping information
There are also overlapping instructions to give different instructions and yet be efficient. An example is the phrase “I like chocolater that evening”. This sounds like a very strange phrase, the reason is that this can have two different meanings with the bold letters being the overlapping letters:
- I like chocolate
- Later that evening
Spliced information
For this, we take some later letters of the DNA same sequence, such as the letters in bold from the phrase “I like chocolater that evening” which gives “I like her hat”. This would give a completely different function, but it is still taken from the same sequence of information to form a different purpose. Effectively another piece of DNA code would give the instructions as to what parts of this particular DNA sequence should be used to produce yet another different part. In this way all the instructions to make all the “machine parts” to make the cell work are held compactly and contained in the same sequence of DNA “letters” written.
But it does not stop there. There is also:
- Embedded Information
- Encrypted Information
- 3-D Information (the long DNA strand has to be folded in the right way as well)
Every cell can build any other cell for the organism. All cells have to communicate constantly, effectively saying “I need more of this” or “stop making this”, etc. The amount of information held in the DNA is staggering beyond our comprehension.
The human body has approximately 100 trillion cells if you extracted the DNA from each one you would not have even a level teaspoon of sugar.
The information contained will be like books stacked from the surface of the earth to the moon, not once but stacked 500 times, just for the DNA in one human body.
More Complexity of the DNA
Amino acids are like a single bead on a long chain of beads which is the Protein. There are some 100,000 specific proteins in the human body. The bacterial “motor” is made of 40 different proteins.
Amino acids can form in what is termed “right-handed” and “left-handed”. In any random solution, there would be an equal amount of both left and right-handed amino acids, i.e. 50/50. Life uses only left-handed amino acids, but you always get 50/50. The infamous experiment at making amino acids in the 1950s excluded oxygen. Oxygen has always existed on earth according to the geological record. The experiment ended up with 50/50 left and right-handed amino acids along with chemicals that would stop proteins from forming.
There are 20 different amino acids used to make a protein. Typically, 3,000 amino acid molecules (made from those 20 different, all left-handed amino acids) linked together to make one biological protein, but some are only 300 amino acid molecules long and others have 50,000 amino acid molecules. Every single type of amino acid must be in the right spot otherwise there is no working protein.
The health problem known as Sickle cell anemia is caused by one single amino acid being in the wrong spot in hemoglobin (a protein) which causes it not to be exactly the right shape to carry oxygen well.
If we allow blind chance to try to make a protein work with only 5 amino acids long (much smaller than usual proteins, you have to get the right amino acid in the right order. What are the odds to get it right the first time?
1 chance in 3.2 million tries. Such a small chance that in reality, it could never happen.
You could try this for yourself. Put 20 different colored balls in a box and mix them up. Put 5 containers with a color marked on them in a row, blindfold someone, and get them to choose 5 balls, 1 for each container. If they were unable to remove the blindfold until the balls and colors were correct, they would probably be blindfolded for the rest of their life. Remove the blindfold and it could be done in seconds. But that removes blind, random chance and introduces intelligence to the equation.
Clearly, we must have an intelligent creator as blind chance cannot build the required building blocks for life, it is mathematically impossible.
As the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:19-20 “what may be known about God is manifest among them [the wicked and the unrighteous]. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable”.
God has shown us his fingerprints. Creation is there for a purpose. We should not suppress the facts of the matter in order to try and not to see the obvious.
See also:
IBM Deep Blue, the first computer to beat a reigning World Chess champion. ↑
A cilium or cilia (plural) are small hair-like protuberances on the outside of eukaryotic cells. They are primarily responsible for locomotion either of the cell itself or of fluids on the cell surface. ↑ ↑ See also : ↑