The Bible Book of Genesis – The Table of Nations – Part 20
The Table of Nations is an outstanding example of accurate Bible history. It is confirmed to be history not legend. Find out how.
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Genesis Geology Archaeology Theology. An in-depth examination of the record in Genesis of the Creation, the Flood, and other major events.
The Table of Nations is an outstanding example of accurate Bible history. It is confirmed to be history not legend. Find out how.
Read moreAre there any traditions kept alive today around the world that may give evidence of the Worldwide flood and the Biblical record of some of its events?
Read moreThis examines other circumstantial evidence for the flood and a look at other questions arising from having a Biblical view of the Flood.
Read moreAre Dragons myths or traces of Dinosaurs? Are there fossils for which we find almost identical living creatures or plants today?
Read moreDid dinosaurs survive the flood? Were dinosaurs alive in ancient times of Mankind? Are dinosaurs in the Bible? The answers may surprise you.
Read moreWhat does the evidence of both ancient and modern observed catastrophic mechanisms tell us about whether there was a global flood?
Read moreAre the fossil deposits evidence of a worldwide catastrophic flood or rare events occurring over millions of years?
Read moreWhat does the evidence of the geological column and the rocks sequences within it suggest actually happened? Were they formed by a catastrophe or over millions of years?
Read moreMost people may of heard of the Flood myth of Gilgamesh, but are there other flood myths and legends besides that and the Bible? You may be surprised! Are they memories of a real worldwide catastrophe or local flood?
Read moreThe chronology and timelines of the deluge. Evidence for a 360 day solar year and calendar in pre-flood times.
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